The life expectancy of an appliance is greatly determined by its correct use and it is important that it is regularly serviced.

- metered and unmetered gas supply and gas meter installation
- central heating installation, including equipment installation according to the customer’s wishes
- furnace room installation and equipment for homes
- exhaust system installation for gas appliances
- repair and maintenance of all gas appliances
- burner maintenance for masonry heaters
- installation and maintenance of air conditioners
- installation of gas stove pipe fittings
- issuing a gas safety certificate, for gas installations up to 300 KW and gas appliances up to 50KW
- central heating controls (combi), “Combi” (combination) units with space heating and integrated water heating (conventional and condensing boilers)
- boilers for heating large homes
- large hot water tanks
- gas stoves ranging between 2.5 KW – 6 KW
- air conditioners: cooling and heating systems
- electric boilers for heating, as well as electric system and open vent boilers for domestic hot water supply
The life expectancy of an appliance is greatly determined by its correct use, as well as ensuring that it is regularly serviced. In order for your appliances to be well maintained, to make sure you can rely on them during the coldest months, we offer cover plans- Ugovor o servisiranju plinskih trošila (Gas appliance servicing contract).
From 01.12.2021. new Gas Consumer Maintenance Agreements are in use with new benefits. Contracting clients will be contacted in the period 01.12.2021.-30.10.2022. in order to offer them new Contracts with new conditions while updating the necessary data.
For any questions or clarifications please contact us.
- we will let you know when your next inspection and annual service is due so you don’t have to worry (on the date specified in the contract)
- we will check and service your appliances at the start of autumn, which will greatly reduce possibility of a breakdown
- you will receive a 10% discount if you are a contract holder
- appliance safety checks
- detecting possible defects
- troubleshooting (for details see sample contract)
The contract includes the device validity control, identification of potential deficiencies, all actions necessary for the removal of reported deficiencies (without replacements of parts) and bringing the device in good working order (see contract example for details).
Click here to see sample contract [44kb-PDF]